mandag 19. januar 2009

Dumbness brought to life

"Is that me, or is it a flexing ghost in the mirror?"
"Shut up, damn speaker! Oh, where the heck is the volume-button?"
"May I enquire where your vagina is?"
"What is the difference between an egg and a tractor? The egg is edible, whilst the tractor is not"
"Ahh, the curtains, they're everywhere!!"
"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure"
"It is my duty to uphold the laws and even to make laws, and then to abuse them to bits and gain many queer seals and tractors of my own"
"Are you thirsty? I'm not"
"Darkness is scary. But the light is not that scary"

2 kommentarer:

Anastasia sa...

"Are you thirsty? Im not" hahahahaha, jeg ler for mye av deg! Jeg ler for mye generelt. hahahaah

Anonym sa...

Jeg beundrer virkelig evnen din til å le av sånne ting, Victoria, virkelig.